The Life and Achievments of Guru Gobind Singh
The eminent tenth Guru would have turned 351 on the 5th of January, which has prompted temples all over the world to celebrate the life and achievements of Guru Gobind Singh. He is most notable for introducing the five Ks into Sikhism. This advancement is now seen as an incredibly important historical aspect of modern day Sikhism. He was also responsible for founding the Khalsa in 1699, which was historically a community of Sikh warriors.
During his life, Guru Gobind Singh faced countless hardships, including the execution of his father when he was only nine years old, and the death of his four sons. Despite hardships, he went on to be one of the most influential leaders in the history of Sikhism, and made choices which have shaped the religion as we know it today. Perhaps his most notable decision, it was Guru Gobind Singh who bequeathed his authority to, and named his eternal successor as Sikhism’s holy scripture: Guru Granth Sahib. The Guru’s visions for Sikhism have long been incorperated into the rituals and practises of the religion and are still remembered today.
The Global Celebrations
Celebrations of the great leader went on for days, and all celebrating temples across the globe saw a continuous stream of well-wishers seeking blessings and joining with the celebrations. Delicious food was prepared, music was played, and stories of the Guru were retold to children and adults alike. Love and respect for the Guru continue to shine among Sikh communities internationally following the celebrations of his birthday, and there is no doubt that they will continue to do so until the festivities next year.